var Mediabox; (function() { var A, h, P, H, O, n, F, l, m, k, J, y, t, z = new Image(), V = new Image(), r = false, w = false, S, b, j, c, U, E, M, T, W, e, D, Q, G, x, B, o, i = "none", f, d = "mediaBox", C; window.addEvent("domready", function() {$$([S = new Element("div", { id: "mbOverlay" }).addEvent("click", N), b = new Element("div", { id: "mbCenter" })]).setStyle("display", "none")); j = new Element("div", { id: "mbImage" }).injectInside(b); c = new Element("div", { id: "mbBottom" }).injectInside(b).adopt(new Element("a", { id: "mbCloseLink", href: "#" }).addEvent("click", N), e = new Element("a", { id: "mbNextLink", href: "#" }).addEvent("click", g), T = new Element("a", { id: "mbPrevLink", href: "#" }).addEvent("click", K), E = new Element("div", { id: "mbTitle" }), W = new Element("div", { id: "mbNumber" }), M = new Element("div", { id: "mbCaption" })); y = { overlay: new Fx.Tween(S, { property: "opacity", duration: 360 }).set(0), image: new Fx.Tween(j, { property: "opacity", duration: 360, onComplete: I }), bottom: new Fx.Tween(c, { property: "opacity", duration: 240 }).set(0) } }); Mediabox = { close: function() { N() }, open: function(Z, Y, X) { A = $extend({ loop: false, keyboard: true, alpha: true, stopKey: false, overlayOpacity: 0.7, resizeOpening: true, resizeDuration: 240, resizeTransition: false, initialWidth: 320, initialHeight: 180, defaultWidth: 640, defaultHeight: 360, showCaption: true, showCounter: true, counterText: "{x} // {y}", imgBackground: false, imgPadding: 70, scriptaccess: "true", fullscreen: "true", fullscreenNum: "1", autoplay: "true", autoplayNum: "1", autoplayYes: "yes", volume: "100", medialoop: "true", bgcolor: "#000000", wmode: "opaque", useNB: true, playerpath: "plugins/mediabox/NonverBlaster.swf", controlColor: "0xFFFFFF", controlBackColor: "0x000000", showTimecode: "false", JWplayerpath: "plugins/mediabox/player.swf", backcolor: "000000", frontcolor: "999999", lightcolor: "000000", screencolor: "000000", controlbar: "over", controller: "true", flInfo: "true", revverID: "187866", revverFullscreen: "true", revverBack: "000000", revverFront: "ffffff", revverGrad: "000000", usViewers: "true", ytBorder: "0", ytColor1: "000000", ytColor2: "333333", ytQuality: "&ap=%2526fmt%3D18", ytRel: "0", ytInfo: "1", ytSearch: "0", vuPlayer: "basic", vmTitle: "1", vmByline: "1", vmPortrait: "1", vmColor: "ffffff" }, X || {}); if ((Browser.Engine.gecko) && (Browser.Engine.version < 19)) { r = true; A.overlayOpacity = 1; S.className = "mbOverlayFF" } if (typeof Z == "string") { Z = [ [Z, Y, X] ]; Y = 0 } h = Z; A.loop = A.loop && (h.length > 1); if ((Browser.Engine.trident) && (Browser.Engine.version < 5)) { w = true; S.className = "mbOverlayIE"; S.setStyle("position", "absolute"); L() } q(); s(true); n = window.getScrollTop() + (window.getHeight() / 2); l = window.getScrollLeft() + (window.getWidth() / 2); y.resize = new Fx.Morph(b, $extend({ duration: A.resizeDuration, onComplete: R }, A.resizeTransition ? { transition: A.resizeTransition } : {})); b.setStyles({ top: n, left: l, width: A.initialWidth, height: A.initialHeight, marginTop: -(A.initialHeight / 2), marginLeft: -(A.initialWidth / 2), display: "" }); y.overlay.start(A.overlayOpacity); return a(Y) } }; Element.implement({ mediabox: function(X, Y) { $$(this).mediabox(X, Y); return this } }); Elements.implement({ mediabox: function(X, aa, Z) { aa = aa || function(ab) { x = ab.rel.split(/[\[\]]/); x = x[1]; return [ab.href, ab.title, x] }; Z = Z || function() { return true }; var Y = this; Y.removeEvents("click").addEvent("click", function() { var ac = Y.filter(Z, this); var ad = []; var ab = []; ac.each(function(af, ae) { if (ab.indexOf(af.toString()) < 0) { ad.include(ac[ae]); ab.include(ac[ae].toString()) } }); return, ab.indexOf(this.toString()), X) }); return Y } }); function L() { S.setStyles({ top: window.getScrollTop(), left: window.getScrollLeft() }) } function q() { k = window.getWidth(); J = window.getHeight(); S.setStyles({ width: k, height: J }) } function s(X) { if (Browser.Engine.gecko) { ["object", ? 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D = "../../" + Y.toRelative(); i = "obj"; B = B || A.defaultWidth; o = o || "20px"; if (D.match(/tweetmic\.com|tmic\.fm/i)) { D = D.split("/"); D[4] = D[4] || D[3]; D = "" + D[4] + ".mp3" } if (A.useNB) { t = new Swiff("" + A.playerpath + "?mediaURL=" + D + "&allowSmoothing=true&autoPlay=" + A.autoplay + "&buffer=6&showTimecode=" + A.showTimecode + "&loop=" + A.medialoop + "&controlColor=" + A.controlColor + "&controlBackColor=" + A.controlBackColor + "&defaultVolume=" + A.volume + "&scaleIfFullScreen=true&showScalingButton=true&crop=false", { id: "MediaboxSWF", width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }) } else { t = new Swiff("" + A.JWplayerpath + "?file=" + D + "&backcolor=" + A.backcolor + "&frontcolor=" + A.frontcolor + "&lightcolor=" + A.lightcolor + "&screencolor=" + A.screencolor + "&autostart=" + A.autoplay, { id: "MediaboxSWF", width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }) } p() } else { if (D.match(/\.swf/i) || i == "flash") { i = "obj"; B = B || A.defaultWidth; o = o || A.defaultHeight; t = new Swiff(D, { id: "MediaboxSWF", width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }); p() } else { if (D.match(/\.mov|\.m4v|\.m4a|\.aiff|\.avi|\.caf|\.dv|\.mid|\.m3u|\.mp3|\.mp2|\.mp4|\.qtz/i) || i == "qt") { i = "qt"; B = B || A.defaultWidth; o = (parseInt(o) + 16) + "px" || A.defaultHeight; t = new Quickie(D, { id: "MediaboxQT", width: B, height: o, container: "mbImage", attributes: { controller: A.controller, autoplay: A.autoplay, volume: A.volume, loop: A.medialoop, bgcolor: A.bgcolor } }); p() } else { if (D.match(/blip\.tv/i)) { i = "obj"; B = B || "640px"; o = o || "390px"; t = new Swiff(D, { src: D, width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }); p() } else { if (D.match(/break\.com/i)) { i = "obj"; B = B || "464px"; o = o || "376px"; d = D.match(/\d{6}/g); t = new Swiff("" + d, { width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }); p() } else { if (D.match(/dailymotion\.com/i)) { i = "obj"; B = B || "480px"; o = o || "381px"; t = new Swiff(D, { id: d, width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }); p() } else { if (D.match(/facebook\.com/i)) { i = "obj"; B = B || "320px"; o = o || "240px"; f = D.split("v="); f = f[1].split("&"); d = f[0]; t = new Swiff("" + d, { movie: "" + d, classid: "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000", width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }); p() } else { if (D.match(/flickr\.com/i)) { i = "obj"; B = B || "500px"; o = o || "375px"; f = D.split("/"); d = f[5]; t = new Swiff("", { id: d, classid: "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000", width: B, height: o, params: { flashvars: "photo_id=" + d + "&show_info_box=" + A.flInfo, wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }); 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f = D.split("/"); d = f[4]; t = new Swiff("" + d + "/.swf?playerVars=autoPlay=" + A.autoplayYes, { id: d, width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }); p() } else { if (D.match(/vids\.myspace\.com/i)) { i = "obj"; B = B || "425px"; o = o || "360px"; t = new Swiff(D, { id: d, width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }); p() } else { if (D.match(/revver\.com/i)) { i = "obj"; B = B || "480px"; o = o || "392px"; f = D.split("/"); d = f[4]; t = new Swiff("" + d + "&affiliateId=" + A.revverID + "&allowFullScreen=" + A.revverFullscreen + "&autoStart=" + A.autoplay + "&backColor=#" + A.revverBack + "&frontColor=#" + A.revverFront + "&gradColor=#" + A.revverGrad + "&shareUrl=revver", { id: d, width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }); 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B = B || "560px"; o = o || "345px" } else { if (d.match(/fmt=22/i)) { C = "&ap=%2526fmt%3D22"; B = B || "640px"; o = o || "385px" } else { C = A.ytQuality; B = B || "480px"; o = o || "295px" } } t = new Swiff("" + d + "&autoplay=" + A.autoplayNum + "&fs=" + A.fullscreenNum + C + "&border=" + A.ytBorder + "&color1=0x" + A.ytColor1 + "&color2=0x" + A.ytColor2 + "&rel=" + A.ytRel + "&showinfo=" + A.ytInfo + "&showsearch=" + A.ytSearch, { id: d, width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }); p() } else { if (D.match(/youtube\.com\/view/i)) { i = "obj"; f = D.split("p="); d = f[1]; B = B || "480px"; o = o || "385px"; t = new Swiff("" + d + "&autoplay=" + A.autoplayNum + "&fs=" + A.fullscreenNum + C + "&border=" + A.ytBorder + "&color1=0x" + A.ytColor1 + "&color2=0x" + A.ytColor2 + "&rel=" + A.ytRel + "&showinfo=" + A.ytInfo + "&showsearch=" + A.ytSearch, { id: d, width: B, height: o, params: { wmode: A.wmode, bgcolor: A.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: A.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: A.fullscreen } }); 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